
XR Global Services


Oil and gas companies are deploying XR technology for training and simulation, to identify subsurface hydrocarbon reserves and to develop extraction plans, processes and products. VR training focuses on safety, cost reduction, disaster preparation, skills training on surface and subsurface drilling tools, equipment inspection and terrain analysis to identify hydrocarbon reserves.


Logistics and supply chain companies are adopting immersive technologies to transform key industries dependent on the global supply chain. Warehouses, production facilities, shipping companies, and retailers rely on XR to work faster, safer, and more efficiently across five major areas: Inventory Management; Remote Collaboration and Data Visualization; VR Training; Product Origin Traceability and Real-time Transit Information.


Maritime sector is a capital intense, high-tech venture that requires thousands of global workers to share critical skill sets. Shipping is the main form of transport for global trade. XR training facilitates key Maritime functions: Safety, Navigation, Machine Room, Crane Simulator, Fire Suppression and environmental initiatives like Green Ocean Strategies.

XR Global develops virtual, augmented and mixed reality solutions that are delivered though the proprietary XRG platform. The company has revolutionized the use of 3D modeling and simulation in training and operations support and offers measurable ROI, enhanced safety, content retention and environmental impact metrics.

Now customers can deploy multi-user and multi-platform programs anywhere in the world, gather data and derive valuable insights about their business. Scenario planning, user tracking and subsequent analytics facilitates data visualization on sophisticated dashboards that showcase business intelligence. The program benefits learners, trainers and the client company.

XRG engineers and training professionals harness the latest research and training technology to provide clients highly individualized solutions. The platform engages learners in immersive VR/AR/MR custom training environments tailored to specific industry sectors and ensures effective knowledge acquisition and skills mastery.

XR Global Services

About Jeremy Kenisky

Personal Journey

Jeremy Kenisky, Founder and CEO of XR Global, is a successful serial entrepreneur who has led, bootstrapped, re-organized and sold multiple technology, education and entertainment companies. He combines a laser focus on strategy while also identifying and nurturing unique opportunities for differentiated growth.

Kenisky founded XR Global to deliver industry-specific VR training experiences and provide executives with key business intelligence. XRG’s mission is to deliver exceptional immersive training programs along with insight and best practices. A passionate technology innovator, Kenisky’s lifelong dedication to creating XR solutions, products and content led to the successful creation of world class virtual reality solutions for the enterprise.


Jeremy Kenisky